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Alex Podelko, Page 5

A Few Thoughts about Certifications

Recently I continue to stumble upon ISTQB (International Software Testing Qualification Board) certification. First, after a few discussion about need of standardization …

User Concurrency

Performance testing terminology is not well defined and one of the most ambiguous terms is user concurrency. Re-reading Load Testing: Concurrent Users …

Performance vs. Scalability

After attending Sergey Chernyshev’s (@sergeyche) Scalability vs. Performance presentation at NY Web Performance Meetup and reading Scalability: it’s the question that drives …

APM, Analytics, and Industry Trends

Just read Gartner Q&A: Analytics vs. APM with Will Cappelli, Gartner Research VP in Enterprise Management, part one, part two, and part …

Performance Testing Issues and Trends

And now, after my posts about agile performance testing and performance requirements in agile projects, we are getting to another fundamental issue …

Performance Requirements and Agile Projects

It looks like agile methodologies are somewhat struggling with performance requirements (and non-functional requirements in general). Probably there are several reasons for …

Performance Engineering: Historical View

It is interesting to look how handling performance changed with time. Probably performance went beyond single-user profiling when mainframes started to support …

My Recent Articles/Talks/Plans

Updated the list of my publications. Suddenly a lot happened in December. At the CMG Conference I presented the latest version of …